May Update to Distance Learning Plan
On April 22nd, 2020 a survey went out to Montauk School families. Families were asked to share their experiences regarding resources and distance learning experiences during this unprecedented time of the Covid-19 Pandemic.
The survey responses have helped administrators and teachers gain insight into experiences. They are helping us to do our best to address needs and strike a positive at-home learning approach for our students. The survey was anonymous. The comment responses were read and studied carefully by administration, teachers and Board of Education members and acted on with an eye toward making adjustments and improvements. The results here represent a sentiment analysis to the response patterns, followed by a detailed action plan to address areas recommended by the surveys. The comments were analyzed for patterns and reactions and the following data was gathered to represent each question:
Q1 Please provide the current grade or grades of your children:
Q2 How confident are you that you have enough resources for your family to help support you through this period?
Q3 What are some of your greatest concerns right now, and how can the school assist you with providing any resources?
Q4 What has been going well with your child or children's learning experience?
Q5 What distance learning challenges have you faced, if any?
Q6 What suggestions do you have for us regarding distance learning? What are the pros and cons that you've experienced with using technology versus teacher handouts?
Q7 Share any additional comments, and give a general impression of online learning: